Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

IMP retreat 2017

We had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Yasmine Belkaid, from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to present the keynote address on homeostatic immunity to the microbiota. We also heard from four new faculty members of IMP, Dr. Julie Blander, Dr. Virginia Pascual, Dr. Steve Josefowicz, and Dr. Juan Cubillos-Ruiz. Students and post-docs gave talks ranging from Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis, immune responses to viral infections, auto-immunity, tumor immunology, and mucosal immunology. On Thursday night, we were entertained with the wonderful singing voices of people from the department by bringing back karaoke after several years. To top it off, we had a particularly warm couple of days to enjoy the fall colors in our new IMP T-shirts that were handed out to everyone.

Keynote Speaker

Homeostatic Immunity to the Microbiota 

Yasmine Belkaid, PhD

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

IMP Awardees

Neta Shlezinger, Hohl Lab

Justin Eyquem, Sadelain Lab

Wei Feng Yen, Chaudhuri Lab

Fella Tamzalit, Huse Lab

Monica Viladomiu, Longman Lab

Mia Do, Li Lab

Nora Pyenson, Marraffini Lab 

Anthony Antonelli, Glickman Lab

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