Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

Master of Science in Genetic Counseling


A Master of Science in Genetic Counseling program at the Weill Cornell Graduate School in Medical Sciences (WCGS) is accredited by the American Board of Genetic Counselors. This highly interdisciplinary training program is designed to ensure that students develop the core competencies of genetic counseling and offers a curriculum that focuses on issues pertaining to human disease through examples drawn from clinical genetics. The new Program emphasizes translational learning models, allowing students to apply concepts taught during didactic lectures to clinical rotations.

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Program Objectives

  1. Produce genetic counselor graduates who have completed the necessary requirements to be eligible to sit for the national accreditation board exams, as detailed by the American Board of Genetic Counselors.
  2. Prepare genetic counselors with career choices in clinical genetics, medical research, academia and/or industry.
  3. Generate lifelong learners and educators who become vital assets to multi-disciplinary teams.
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The M.S. Genetic Counseling program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC) for new program status. The program's cumulative pass rate will become available in the next three years.


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Contact Us

To learn more about the Genetic Counseling program, please email us at