Research Project: Dissecting three-dimensional enhancer-promoter networks in glioblastoma stem cells Program: PBSB PI: Effie Apostolou
Emily Goetzler
Research Project: Leveraging Degron Allele Technology to Reveal Evolutionarily Conserved Gene Regulatory Functions of OTX2 in Mammalian Gut Development Program: BCMB PI: Matthias Stadtfeld
Tao Wang
Research Project: Discovering Novel Therapeutic Targets for Glioblastoma Program: Neuroscience PI: Luis Parada
Angela Montero
Research Project: Identifying the metabolic requirements for ACO2 in embryonic development Program: BCMB PI: Lydia Finley
Shakti Ramsamooj
Research Project: Exploring the developmental mechanisms controlling tumor innervation Program: BCMB PI: David Simon