Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

IMP retreat 2014

In 2014, our retreat became a surprise celebration of gut microbiota. Our scheduled keynote speaker could not attend last minute, and so our very own Dr. Eric Pamer came to the rescue with a fantastic talk about his lab’s work in this field. While not planned, it was a special treat to hear a talk from one of our own faculty members for the keynote session. We also welcomed multiple new faculty to the program in 2014, who each gave talks to introduce their work to the program: Andrea Schietinger, Frederic Geissmann, Tobias Hohl, and David Artis. Student and postdoc speakers that year consisted of our usual mix of both microbial and immunological work, showcasing the diversity of the program. Highlights included Susan Puckett’s talk about her work with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Joris van der Veeken’s work with regulatory T cells. In between these talks and others not mentioned, students were able to enjoy a particularly lovely year at Mohonk, with the garden still blooming spectacularly. The 2014 retreat provided a chance to unwind from the pace of the city, and was made especially memorable by the opportunity to hear from Dr. Pamer outside of the setting of a classroom or lab meeting.

See here for full program. 

Keynote Speaker

The impact of the Microbiome on Host Defense

Eric Pamer, MD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

IMP Awardees

Joris van der Veeken, Rudnesky Lab

Daniel Victorio Longman Lab

Jenny Karo Sun Lab

Theresa Geiger Sun Lab

Yongqiang Feng Rudensky Lab 

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