Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

Nathaniel Hupert

Associate Professor
Omar Abdel-Wahab


Public Health and Hospital System Preparedness for Bioterrorism and Epidemic Outbreaks


  • U01 1 U01 HS014341
    N Hupert(PI)

    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    Modeling U.S. Health Systems' Epidemic Response Capacity

    This project will use multiple new and existing data sources and modeling techniques (including Markov and Discrete Event Simulation models) to generate an interactive map of regional hospital surge bed availability and treatment capacity for outbreaks of intentionally caused and naturally occurring infectious disease. Additional attention will be paid to patterns of emergency services utilization by different socio-demographic groups based on the 2001 anthrax attacks and the 2003 Canadian SARS epidemics.

  • Principal Investigator, Prospective Multi-Center Study of the Role of Racial & Ethnic Disparities and Treatment Variations in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Foot Ulcers, 2001-2004, New York City Council Speaker's Fund for Public Health Research-New York Academy of Medicine


  • 290-00-0013-Task Order #1
    AI Mushlin (PI) 

    AHRQ Integrated Delivery Systems and Clinical Preparedness for Bioterrorist Events

    The purpose of this contract was to evaluate the emergency response capacity of the New York Presbyterian Healthcare System and to model the effects of a hypothetical large-scale anthrax bioterrorist attack in New York City using discrete event simulation software. In the course of this contract, Dr. Hupert developed two discrete event simulation models for outpatient prophylaxis and inpatient management of victims of large-scale anthrax attack and provided computer modeling assistance to the New York City Office of Emergency Management for design of a live mass prophylaxis exercise funded by US Department of Justice (TRIPOD Exercise, originally scheduled for 9/12/01).
    Role: Co-I

  • 290-00-0013-Task Order #2
    N Hupert (PI) 

    AHRQ Optimizing Clinical Preparedness for Bioterrorist Attacks Using Simulation Modeling and Data from Recent Anthrax Attacks

    This contract provided continuing funds for further development of the computer modeling activities initiated under Task Order #1 that contributed to the public health response during the 2001 bioterrorist attacks in New York City and to subsequent live testing of a high-patient-flow mass prophylaxis model (Operation TRIPOD, 5/22/02). At the end of this contract, Weill/Cornell researchers provided AHRQ with a flexible, scalable computer model for designing efficient mass prophylaxis campaigns for response to bioterrorist event and natural epidemics (now on the AHRQ web site at URL: 
    Role: PI

  • 290-00-0013-Task Order #3
    N Hupert (PI)

    National Guidelines for Mass Distribution Centers

    This contract funded the development of guidelines for planning and operationalization of civilian mass prophylaxis strategies in response to bioterrorism or naturally occurring epidemic outbreaks. The researchers assembled a national advisory board for the document consisting of a wide range of representatives from local, state, and federal agencies with responsibility for bioterrorism preparedness and response. The final report, "National Guidelines for Mass Prophylaxis using Dispensing/Vaccination Centers (DVCs)," is currently being prepared for dissemination by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
    Role: PI

  • 290-00-0013-Task Order #4 
    N Hupert (PI)

    Developing Tools for Statewide Planning and Response to Bioterrorist Attacks

    This project funds large-scale multi-hospital bioterrorism simulations to test the value of formal training for hospital staff and emergency responders in Incident Command Structure (ICS), as well as focus groups with prominent media representatives to determine optimal risk communication strategies in the setting of bioterrorism or natural disease outbreaks.
    Role: PI

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