Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

MGC007 - Fundamental Concepts of Genetic Counseling I

Number of Credits: 1.5
Course Director: Francesca Tubito-Massarano MS CGC®
Pre-requisite: enrollment in the Genetic Counseling Master of Science Program (GCMSP) or permission from the
program director

Course Schedule:
Semesters: Fall I

Course Description

Theoretical foundations for the contemporary practice of genetic counselling. Topics include counselling theory and psychosocial counselling techniques, principles of communication and interviewing techniques.

Course Goal

Students will learn the foundations for evidenced based practice in genetic counseling. Learners will appreciate the components of the genetic counseling interaction. Students will understand the fundamental skills to formulate a case preparation plan. Students will develop the communication skills necessary for administering risk assessments, genetics education, test education and informed consent for genetic testing.
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