Credits: 3.0
Course Directors: Joseph O. Deasy PhD, Harini Veeraraghavan PhD, Saad Nadeem PhD
Course Description
Machine learning techniques have had a huge impact on biomedical imaging over the past few years and account for a large fraction of new research. This course covers the fundamentals of machine learning and data analysis methods for analyzing medical images, focusing on radiological images, with a lesser emphasis on surgical and histopathological images.
Course Objectives
Machine learning techniques have had a huge impact on biomedical imaging over the past few years and account for a large fraction of new research. The course aims to:
1. Introduce students to applications of machine learning in biomedical imaging
2. Teach students state-of-the-art methods for data modeling using machine learning, including
a. data reduction
b. image feature extraction
c. image segmentation
d. radiomics
e. deep learning
f. transport distance methods.