Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

David Scheinberg

The Scheinberg laboratory studies immune effectors, such as antibodies, TCR mimics, and CAR T cells, for the purpose of creating innovative cancer therapeutic agents.


The overall goals of this laboratory are to develop novel targeted immunotherapies based on effectors of the immune system and to understand their mechanisms of action as well as the mechanisms of resistance to them. This includes antibodies, targeted nano-devices, engineered cells, and active specific agents such vaccines. An important goal is to take these new therapies into human clinical trials for testing. Examples include a molecular nanogenerator that releases alpha particles inside cancer cells (Science, 2001), now being tested in Phase II human trials (Blood, 2022), and a vaccine to WT1 in Phase III trials.  


We have developed targeted alpha particle therapies, targeted beta emitters, oncogenic protein peptide vaccines, humanized antibodies, each of which reached human clinical trials; More recently we have discovered TCR mimic antibodies to intracellular proteins (Science Trans. Med., 2013), (Nature Biotech., 2015), as well as prototype targeted nano-machines (Nature Nanotech, 2013), and cellular micropharmacies (Nature Chem.Biol., 2021). 

Figure 1

Dr.Scheinberg Figure1

Current Projects:

  • TCR mimic antibodies
  • Epitope regulation, cellular micropharmacies, cellular targeted Alpha Particle Therapy 


Dr. Scheinberg received his BA from Cornell University, an MD and PHD from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and trained in internal medicine at the NY Hospital. Since then, he has been at Memorial Sloan Kettering as Oncology fellow, faculty member, laboratory head, Pharmacology Program Chair, Experimental Therapeutics Center Chair, and member and former Chief of the Leukemia Service. 


  • Elected, American Association of Physicians 
  • Elected, American Society for Clinical Investigation 
  • Elected, Interurban Clinical Club 
  • Nature Biotech #15 of Top Translational Scientists in the World 
  • MSK Distinguished Alumnus of the year 
  • Emil Freireich Prize of MDACC 
  • Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist 
  • Board of Directors, Break Through Cancer (consortium of MSK, JHU, DFCI, MIT, MDACC) 

Current Areas of Focus

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Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences 1300 York Ave. Box 65 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-6565 Fax: (212) 746-8906